Wednesday, January 18, 2012

North and South (and East, and West) and Richard Armitage

Last night (and today) my friend and I (and then just I) watched this:

 It is a movie! Actually it is a miniseries. As in BBC miniseries. As in Pride-and-Prejudice-featuring-Colin-Firth miniseries (except that there is no Colin Firth and it is not Pride and Prejudice).

As a BBC miniseries, it hosts (among other things): 1800s lingo and drama (lingo? lingo), British accents, sideburns, and hot men. 

Usually the sideburns are even attached to the hot men. It's great.

And in the miniseries is this guy:
 His name is Richard Armitage, and in case you can't tell by this picture, he is quite attractive. And in case you can't tell by this blog, I find it my duty in life to give you (whoever you are) the opportunity to view attractive men whenever possible.

Well, come to think of it, I've only shown you Matthew Lewis.

And now Richard Armitage.

You're welcome.

Essentially what he does throughout the course of North and South is: speak in a really hot accent, hit somebody, read Plato, run a mill, and (this is the real kicker) he stands at windows and stares at the heroine.

If this seems creepy to you, don't worry. Everybody does it in this movie (including the heroine herself and Richard Armitage's mother) (not his real mother). Obviously he is the best at staring out of windows (because he's, you know, attractive), but it is a universal thing and thus not creepy. 

So, to recap: You should watch North and South. Richard Armitage is attractive. British accents rock.
Now if you will excuse me, I have to go and stare at his picture. Like a creeper.

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