Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Today Is Tuesday So Here Is A List

Random list day (it's usually random list day around here) (one day I will start doing posts on just one subject, but for right now my brain does not work like that):

1) Psych

LAST WEEK'S EPISODE WAS LIKE A RABBIT KICK TO MY HEART. And also my lungs. I may have wept a bit (weeped? No! Wept! I stand by wept). And I had to talk to everybody about it. Everybody. My brothers. My friend who hasn't even watched this season of Psych (my friends know that I should have a permanent Spoiler Alert tattooed on my forehead. I am not good about it, mainly because most spoilers don't bother me very much)(except for the seventh Harry Potter book. I read that sucker in twelve hours because I was afraid somebody would tell me what had happened, and then I probably would have had to kill them)(Also, I would never really get a tattoo, and certainly not one on my forehead. Mom, don't panic). 

LUCKILY, there is an episode on tomorrow night, and the network isn't deciding that "Surprise! We're going on hiatus, suckers!" (Once Upon A Time, I am looking at you). Although apparently, had they decided to split the season, that would have been the mid-season finale. 

A couple of things about this: WHY do networks insist on splitting seasons in half? I see it all the time now. Suits did it, Bunheads did it, Psych does it. Revenge and Once Upon A Time don't really do it, but they do love to take their month-long hiatuses. Remember when shows started in September, ended in May, and except for the occasional holiday, you got an episode every week without fail? Yes, that was back in the good old days when television shows actually ran for more than eighteen episodes to a season. 

And that brings me to another point: this is the mid-season for Psych? Like, the middle? It just restarted! I'm appalled. Freaking television people. 

But I love Psych, so I put up with this treatment. It is not emotionally healthy for any of us, people. Know this. 

2) Vegetable chowder!

What I'm making for dinner tonight. I found it on Pinterest! I have never made anything off of Pinterest before, although I did see yesterday a recipe for homemade Twix bars (!!!) and today, a recipe for homemade Twix brownies (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Hey, speaking of that, does anybody remember those Twix cookies that they used to make? With the cookie covered with caramel topped with chocolate? What happened to those? They were like angels having a disco party in your mouth. 

Also: Oreo O's! The best cereal known to man! I'm a lifelong Fruity Pebbles lover, but I would gladly ditch those on the side of the street if Oreo O's would only come back into my life (no, that is not true. I would just push Fruity Pebbles to the back of my pantry, and only come back to it when there were no Oreo O's around to give me that sugar buzz in the morning) (I treat my cereals as badly as Psych treats me). 


What I mean is I am only roughly two hundred pages from finishing, which doesn't sound like almost done, because two hundred pages is like the size of The Great Gatsby, but you guys, that book is EIGHT HUNDRED PLUS PAGES. It's a monster. I've been intending to finish it for like four years now and I am so close, you guys. So close. Oh, and yes, it is a very good book and you guys should read it. It's like Jane Austen! And magic! And creepy faeries who steal your soul! It's great. 

4) The Great Gatsby

Has this not come out yet? I thought the movie came out ages and ages ago, but apparently it's not coming out until next month. I don't keep track of movies very well anymore. I'm a little bit ashamed of myself. I've never been a movie watcher, but I've always had a list of movies in the back of my head that I knew were in theaters that I could go and see if I wanted. I actually do like seeing movies in theaters, even though after about forty minutes I'm always a little twitchy. Television has destroyed my attention span when it comes to watching shows. 

But you get to eat popcorn, and Junior Mints, and Cherry Coke, so that's always a bonus. Of course I sneak my own Junior Mints in. Actually I sneak all my candy in, and sometimes my soda, and if I could sneak my own popcorn in, I would not even go to the concessions stand. Should I feel bad about that? I should. But I don't. 

I don't know that I will go and see Gatsby when it comes out. Leonardo di Caprio just kind of bugs me a little as an actor, and I never did get around to reading the book, and so it feels a little bit like cheating. Does anybody know if The Host is out yet, though? I disliked the Twilight series, but The Host, the book, was slightly better than the Twilight books, and so I have great hope for the movie. Also the guy actors are way hotter than Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner (I just, I don't understand the appeal. I'm sorry.)

And...that's it. Anybody else watch Psych? Feel like television is stealing your soul? Making soup for dinner tonight? Reading books so large they could take out a robber if absolutely necessary? Inquiring minds want to know! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hobbits and T-shirts

Okay! So I am writing this on a computer that is not mine, and I have limited time. Just a couple of things, really: 

1) I was looking at a blog (FINE IT'S A STYLE BLOG OKAY. Judge me for being shallow and liking clothes) (weird tidbit: I really like clothes and care about them and read clothing blogs, but something like seventy percent of the time I dress like a hobo) (OKAY FINE ninety percent of the time. What do you want from me?) Anyway. I was looking at this blog and this girl, who dresses very well and is very stylish, was totally wearing a t-shirt from the men's department at Target. 

YES! VINDICATED! For those of you who aren't in the know, that's where roughly thirty percent of my wardrobe comes from, is the men's t-shirt section at Target. I have a ridiculous amount of them. They make me look like I'm fifteen. It's great. 

In fact, at this moment I am wearing my Hobbit t-shirt. Because hobbits are awesome, that's why. Also: Richard Armitage! Which brings me to my next point: 

2) I am in the midst of watching The Hobbit! For the first time! I'm very proud of myself. I've watched the first twenty or thirty minutes, and then I watched the last thirty minutes. Those middle scenes! Can't wait to watch them! 

If you're wondering why I watched it like this, it's because I watched it with my brother late Sunday night, and I fell asleep and woke up right when Bilbo was talking to Gollum, and then on Tuesday I started to re-watch it and only had time to get through the first thirty minutes. And then I got busy (or, you know, my attention span waned. Whatever! Same thing!) 

Anyway, I'm very excited to watch the whole thing because it means that I'll be able to wear my aforementioned Hobbit shirt without a twinge of shame. I bought it in December, thinking that YES I would buy it before they sold out, and I'd be going to see the movie soon anyway, so I should just snatch it up while I can. And now I've been wearing it for four months and every time I put it on I felt like a poser (but I never considered not wearing it, because it's comfy and a good color for my skin tone) (I may dress like a hobo, but I still have dress standards) (bizarre, arbitrary dress standards) (I WILL NOT wear brightly colored sweats with a brightly colored t-shirt) (much of my wardrobe is neutrals) (I'm boring). 

I should also note that I've at least read The Hobbit, so I think that should count for something. 

Or not. The choice is yours. 

This is possibly the shortest list post in the history of time, or at least on this blog, but my brain just had a freeze and I really have nothing else to say. Puppies! There, that was something. 

Does anybody else have yet to see The Hobbit? Anybody watch it and squint at the screen and think, yes, Richard Armitage is still attractive as a dwarf? Or troll the men's section of Target for t-shirts (guys, I am not talking to you, obviously you shop in that section, but I guess if you want to mention it that's all right)? Leave a comment!