Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Possible Name Change

Hello, anybody who reads this blog! You (the collective you) may be looking at the top of your screen and noticing the name of this blog. Currently it is called "Me and Sherlock Holmes." This name was created by me, a year ago, in an attempt at being whimsical and funny and all of that. "How adorable!" people would say. 

At least, this is my explanation for the title. What I cannot explain is why I thought it was a good idea to choose Sherlock Holmes when, frankly, I know very little about him. Book-wise, I have read maybe three stories. I've seen the first Sherlock Holmes movie (with Jude Law as Watson) and I've watched the BBC series Sherlock. And that's it. 

Now, being myself, and neurotic, this has begun to bug me recently. That I would have a title for a blog that I am not satisfied with anymore, that I feel misrepresents this blog and, also, me. But I told myself to suck it up because it was too late to change it at this point.

Well, it turns out that this isn't true. And that I can change the title of my blog, and also the web address so that it won't be confusing. Imagine my surprise! And delight! And overall happiness! 

Except that now I am feeling nostalgia and connection for my current blog name, and have been deliberating whether or not to keep it (are you asleep yet? No? I felt sure you would be asleep by now). 

Anyway. This is only to put people on alert that I may be changing the name of this blog sometime soon. What I will end up naming it is still up in the air, so if anybody wants to contribute now is the time. I will even give you credit for a winning idea. And a year's worth of chocolate. 

(No. Not that last one. That was an outright lie. I don't have a year's worth of chocolate and if I did I would eat it, not give it away). (But I will probably give you credit. And praise. And a title! Prince/Princess of the Sugar-Spice Universe is one possibility). 

To sum up: the name of the blog may change. Do not be alarmed. That is all.

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