Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Potential Conversations for Awkward First Dates

Hello, and welcome to the first installment of Potential Topics for Conversation. Today we will be discussing: things to say on an awkward first date. 

Have you ever been on a date that is extremely awkward? Conversation lagging? Date himself is boring/unattractive/annoying? Here are some conversational topics that could either improve the situation and make it more fun, or end the date as quickly as possible, and thus end the suffering. 

1.       EXTREME weather 

Anybody can talk about the regular weather. It is the sign of a bored and boring mind. Do not do it. Instead, talk about extreme weather. I’m not talking things like tornadoes or earthquakes. I am talking about things like, “Gosh, I hope it doesn’t rain lemon drops and gum drops tomorrow! Oh, what a day that would be! I would stand outside with my mouth open wide…” You can sing this last part, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless the date is past all point of redemption. 

2.       “Hey, does leprosy exist in modern times? Because I think that I might have it.” 

3.       “My goal in life is to find Narnia. How about you?” 

You can also substitute Narnia with “Hogwarts” or “Middle Earth.” Or “Oz.” 

4.       “I think the Loch Ness monster might exist, but I think Big Foot is a myth. But if he did exist, I think he and the Yeti would probably be related. Your thoughts?” 

5.        “If I were a dragon, I think I would be a pink dragon. And I would be mad because I don’t like the color pink and everybody would laugh at me. I would look like I was made out of bubblegum.” 

If he has no response to this, follow it up with: “If you were a dragon, you would be orange. Like a traffic cone. And you would blind people as you flew across the sky and they would fear you.” 

6.       “So what are your thoughts on wedding colors?” 

Designed to end the date very, very quickly. Only use in dire situations. 

7.       “If you could pick one character from The Office to be on your task force to take over the world, who would you pick?” 

The answer is Dwight. Obviously. 

8.       “I think brownies are the best dessert. And pie. But not together because that would be gross.” 

Because everybody likes to talk about food. Unless he’s a vampire and doesn’t eat food (it’s probably good to get details like this out in the open as soon as possible. Because how awkward if you wore your garlic perfume to the second date and accidentally vaporized him). 

(Any other ideas for first-date conversations? Post them in the comments!)

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